Regulatory services
Regulatory services are here to support you and your business.
The team cover the following areas:
- Food Safety
- Health and Safety
- Licensing
- Personal and Premises Licensing
- Pollution
- Taxi Licensing
- Trading Standards
- Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy
You may also find the following departments useful.
Planning - The responsibilities of Planning include;
- producing a local plan: This is a framework for the future development of an area defining strategic policies, the framework for neighbourhood plans, land allocations, infrastructure requirements housing needs, requirements for safeguarding the environment, measures for adapting to climate change and so on
- determining planning applications. Decisions about straight-forward applications will be made under powers delegated to planning officers. More significant or contentious applications will be decided by a planning committee, made up of local councillors
- enforcement: acting proportionately in response to suspected breaches of planning control
- supporting neighbourhood planning
- Southend Planning Team offer pre-application planning advice