Southend Business Partnership executive group
Southend Business Partnership executive group - terms and conditions

The terms of reference of the partnership' executive
- to act as a vehicle for improved liaison between private sector business, city centre tourism interests and the Council
- to act as a mechanism for the exchange of ideas between local businesses, relevant organisations and the council, with the aim of enhancing the economic success and viability of the city, including the city centre and facilities for visitors and residents
- to facilitate and steer positive action from all partner members as well as collective actions from the board as a whole
- to consider reports from Southend City Council, from central Government departments, from partner organisations and from task and finish groups established by the executive to inform activity in Southend
- to act as a conduit between Southend' business community and other sub regional/ Essex County bodies as appropriate
- to assume an overseeing and/or monitoring role, where appropriate, for externally funded business support programmes while sharing responsibility for promoting the programme as relevant
- to instigate and/or support delivery of activity, as a partnership, which seeks to support Southend' economy and Southend' residents with regards to employment and entrepreneurship
- to act as the Steering Group of the wider Southend Business Partnership enabling the delivery of Briefing meetings up to three times per annum to include the following ambitions: -
- Free to all attending event to maximise collaboration for our city to thrive
- Provide a forum to share opportunities, knowledge, best practice and ideas across private, public, not for profit and community organisations
- Format to include presentations, networking and diversity of stalls as appropriate
- to work in partnership, to assist in development of a shared, coherent and integrated approach to Economic Development of the area
- to contribute to the delivery of the agreed Southend City Vision outcomes and monitor progress towards outcomes
- to work to ensure the membership of the executive and Partnership reflects the diversity of the business community to ensure inclusivity and representation
- the Chair and Vice Chair will be voted in by the executive every 2 years
- the Chair will also Chair the wider Business Partnership Briefings which take place up to three times per annum
- membership of the Southend Business Partnership executive shall include the following sectors which also reflect those within SCC' Economic Strategy:
Key Sectors
- Tourism
- Retail
- Aviation and Engineering
- Finance and Customer Service
- Medical Technologies
- Cultural and Creative including Digital specialisms
- Construction/Specialist Construction
- Health and Social Care
- Specialist Manufacturing
- Property
- Public Transport
- Community
Business Membership Groups and Industrial Estates and Business Centres
- Federation of Small Businesses
- Industrial Estates/Business Centres
- Southend Business Improvement District
- further education
- higher education
- adult education
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Southend-on-Sea City Council - Officer
- Southend-on-Sea City Council - Councillor
Business Support
- Department for Business and Trade
Member guidance information
- a nominated representative from each sector/organisation listed will attend each executive meeting and will send a substitute wherever feasible in the case that they are unable to attend. Attendance at Briefing events is similarly welcomed.
- executive members will provide written and verbal updates to the wider executive in relation to their area of work/business sector
- membership of the executive is free
- additional members may be co-opted or added to the membership for specified periods of time in relation to projects, programmes or areas of activity by agreement with the Chair
- working Groups or other groups directly relating to Southend and Southend Businesses to report to the executive in written format or on request in person
Meetings - Administration and Resourcing
- Southend-on-Sea City Council in conjunction with members of SBP Executive will provide support to SBP subject to review on an annual basis
- the Southend Business Partnership Executive will meet up to four times a year
- Executive meetings will move around the city, hosted by executive members wherever possible
- Briefing meetings to be held up to three times per year with venues to be provided wherever possible by executive member organisations within their budgets