New Director to join the Southend City BID

Southend's Business Improvement District (BID) is delighted to announce a second new Director to join the board this autumn.
Martin Markinson from the City's Primark store has been an active member of the BID committees and joins the board of Directors to help lead the activity in improving the offer for visitors and its levy paying businesses.
Martin has a wealth of experience in hospitality, tourism and retail and has already pushed for improvements to the city's streetscape, last week joining a meeting with Southend Council's Chief Executive about the challenges being faced by businesses.
"We have a strong board representing all parts of the High Street and different sectors. I am really pleased to have Martin and his extensive experience on the board with us." Said BID Chair, George Bejko-Cowlbeck.
The BID is currently surveying its levy paying business base to consider priorities for next year. The BID pays for and manages the Street Rangers along with many events and activities to improve the City Centre offer.
More information on the BID can be found